Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Post Secret Obsession

My secret is....

I am a little, teeny, tiny bit obsessed with Post Secret.

I'm pretty sure that's not really something to be ashamed of, but I kind of am..............

Anyway, if you don't know what Post Secret is, Google it. People all over the world send post cards to this guy confessing their deepest, darkest, weirdest, funniest and most lovely secrets. The rules are:
1. No names.
2. Use as few words as possible. (AKA-Keep it short and sweet, kiddos.)
3. It has to be a secret you have never told.

I admit that I have read all of the Post Secret books available at my local library and often check the Post Secret website since new secrets are posted weekly. I am even Post Secret's friend on Twitter.......Uh oh, maybe I went a little too far.


Those secrets make me laugh, cry, become angry or feel sorry but most of all, they connect me with the world out there. Sometimes I feel like the only weirdo who:
1. Wants to knock everything off the shelves in a quiet grocery store.
2. Is the happiest I have EVER been.
3. Hopes that my mom isn't real-life dead, but soap opera dead so one day she will just SHOW UP and it will all have been just a huge mistake!

I guess everyone is a little crazy, beautiful and hopeful underneath that "normal" facade....