Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The C Word....

Ok, so I am not a huge fan of Christmas. Let me put that out there, first thing.

I love the decorations and cold weather clothing, but I am annoyed by the non stop barrage of Christmas music from Thanksgiving day until New Year's Day and the fake niceness of people during this time of year.

First issue, the music, why is it impossible to listen to any station during those six weeks and hear normal, everyday music? It wouldn't be SO bad if there were some Christmas songs mixed in with the rest of the music on the stations, but NO, that is NOT an option! The only option is zero non-holiday music and 24/7 100% Christmas songs remade over and over by today's favorite one hit wonders. Honestly, in twenty years will anyone remember that the Jonas Brothers sang Joy To The World for one season? In twenty years, will anyone even remember that the Jonas Brothers sang anything? That's neither here nor there. The point is, there are apparently no new Christmas songs, only the same overused handful that are remade year after year and played non stop throughout the season. Let's change it up a little!

Second issue. Fake niceness. Look, I appreciate politeness and consideration just as much as the next guy but I like it 365 days a year. Not just during the Christmas season. If you can't be as friendly and generous in July as you are in December, then what is the point? Everyday we should hold doors open for people, donate to charities, let people merge into traffic and basically think of others besides ourselves. Its not hard, but it does take practice. Being nice is like a foreign language, if you don't use it you lose it.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Please. :)