Wednesday, August 26, 2009

On Being Unemployed.....

As of the end of July 2009 I have been unemployed. My first thought was that this would be something to celebrate! I can sleep in every morning, laze around on the couch and watch Lifetime, munch on (unhealthy) snacks. Basically enjoy being a young adult with no debt. Right? WRONG!

I apparently can NOT sleep in ever again. My body has adjusted to waking up early for dreaded work so now every morning I am either up on my own at 8 am or my beagle Rocky wakes me up. It seems that all forces are against my sleeping late. Maybe I should take this as a sign to get out there and be productive and do something with my life. Blahblahblah.

To my chagrin I have been pretty busy. The last three weeks we had the boys (ages 6,7) so I tried to entertain them daily while trying not pull my own hair out. I give props to stay at home moms. By deciding to be at home with your kiddos everyday instead of work, you forfeit any quiet or alone time. You also give up watching any movies that are not Disney or cartoon related. And last but certainly not least, you are not allowed the opportunity to be lazy! Not at all! Every second is busy,busy, noise, moving, chaos. But I digress. The days before the boys were enjoyable and quiet and non active which seemed to be just what the proverbial doctor ordered. The days after the boys went back to their mom's, I have not stopped running. It seems there is a never ending list of errands to be run, rooms to be cleaned, floors to be swept/mopped/vaccumed and school work to be completed.


My point is this, the grass is never greener on the other side. I assumed unemployement/housewife/temporary stay-at-home-mom would be a piece of cake compared to working all day long, five days a week. I was wrong. I am just as busy, if not more, at home each day. The only thing missing from my new "job" is human interaction. I am home alone almost all day with my dog, Rocky and he isn't much on holding up his end of the conversation. If it weren't for the incessant errands and chores, I would most likely develop a severe case of cabin fever and go postal within a week. Let's all hope the errands don't end before I find another job!

Until next time,
Your 20 something friend....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Post Secret Obsession

My secret is....

I am a little, teeny, tiny bit obsessed with Post Secret.

I'm pretty sure that's not really something to be ashamed of, but I kind of am..............

Anyway, if you don't know what Post Secret is, Google it. People all over the world send post cards to this guy confessing their deepest, darkest, weirdest, funniest and most lovely secrets. The rules are:
1. No names.
2. Use as few words as possible. (AKA-Keep it short and sweet, kiddos.)
3. It has to be a secret you have never told.

I admit that I have read all of the Post Secret books available at my local library and often check the Post Secret website since new secrets are posted weekly. I am even Post Secret's friend on Twitter.......Uh oh, maybe I went a little too far.


Those secrets make me laugh, cry, become angry or feel sorry but most of all, they connect me with the world out there. Sometimes I feel like the only weirdo who:
1. Wants to knock everything off the shelves in a quiet grocery store.
2. Is the happiest I have EVER been.
3. Hopes that my mom isn't real-life dead, but soap opera dead so one day she will just SHOW UP and it will all have been just a huge mistake!

I guess everyone is a little crazy, beautiful and hopeful underneath that "normal" facade....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why Go To College?

I don't know.

That's the first answer that comes to mind. I don't know. Who does really?

Well, one sure fire result of college is debt. If you are the average American, that is. If, on the other hand you are luckily rich or unluckily (some say) poor then school is taken care of, one way or another.

As a current student, I feel obligated to tell the truth on this subject. College is quite expensive and (in my opinion) full of pointless classes. Why did I take one hour of kinesiology? So I could struggle through cycling and learn that I, in fact, do not like it and never want to coach. Ever.

Oh and what about drawing for non-art majors? I like to draw so this class is actually enjoyable but what purpose does it serve? My major is Criminology, btw.....

So I ask again, why go to college? Because society says you have to have education after high school to be job-worthy. I think "they" should teach classes on how to balance a checkbook and parent your children, but then again what do I know?