Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why Go To College?

I don't know.

That's the first answer that comes to mind. I don't know. Who does really?

Well, one sure fire result of college is debt. If you are the average American, that is. If, on the other hand you are luckily rich or unluckily (some say) poor then school is taken care of, one way or another.

As a current student, I feel obligated to tell the truth on this subject. College is quite expensive and (in my opinion) full of pointless classes. Why did I take one hour of kinesiology? So I could struggle through cycling and learn that I, in fact, do not like it and never want to coach. Ever.

Oh and what about drawing for non-art majors? I like to draw so this class is actually enjoyable but what purpose does it serve? My major is Criminology, btw.....

So I ask again, why go to college? Because society says you have to have education after high school to be job-worthy. I think "they" should teach classes on how to balance a checkbook and parent your children, but then again what do I know?

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