Thursday, January 20, 2011

Babies, babies and more babies....

So, my cousin Mel and her husband Samuel are having TWINS! And let me mention that they are some of the best people I know; they are kind, considerate, deeply faithful and absolutely hilarious!!!

Now this pregnancy is a big deal but for more than just the obvious reason of being pregnant in the first place. They have been trying to get pregnant for a few years now but it just wasn't in the cards for pregnancy to happen without help. They have gone through some tough stuff here lately but they are now successfully pregnant and with TWO babies, not just one! This is such a blessing for the whole family. Mel is not the first grandkid to have a baby in our family but she is the first one who lives close enough the we will actually be able to see these kiddos and have a relationship that consists of more than the mandatory holiday exchange.

I can not express how excited I am for Mel and Samuel. They will, without a doubt, be amazing, compassionate parents.

But its not just my family having babies. It seems like EVERYONE on Facebook is pregnant or has recently had a baby. Babies, babies, babies. I have babies on the brain! All this baby stuff going around makes me want one!!!

But I think I will just babysit Mel's when they get here and maybe that will fix my baby fever! Hopefully!!!

(My husband and I are not planning on having any kids for another couple of years.)

Until next time.....


  1. awww, TWINSEES? yayayayayayya! so exciting! did they do invitro? gahhh, i bet they are thrilled! congrats to them! and i totes know how you feel with EVERYONE having a baybayy! like ALL of my clients are suddenly preggo (come june-august of this year, i will be totally dead because everyone will be off havin' their kiddos!) and ofcourse like a million of my friends are prego, OR have just popped a little one(or two) out! yayyyy for babies everywhere!!!!!!!!!!! (except ugly ones, you know how i feel about that.)

  2. Yes, I know how you feel about ugliness in general. This is why I don't understand how you love yourself so much??
