Saturday, January 22, 2011

Is this real???

Sooooo, how do we know what we are living is really real?

I mean, we could all be dreaming and stuck in a tub of goo with probes coming out of our bodies like Neo in The Matrix (which I hate and am forced to watch RIGHT NOW since the hubby found it on tv) OR maybe none of this is real and we are all characters in a book! I love this idea. It is a prevalent theme in The Dark Tower series by Stephen King (who is my all time favorite author!(does he have a blog??)).

I honestly don't think any of these things mentioned above are happening. I'm not really that deep or philosophical.

But a scary thought is what if The Matrix has it all right????? In the movie, once you are woken up from your gooey slumber, you can't go back to your dream state. You have to live FOR REAL! Confusing? A little. Ok, a lot. But they sleep in cells (it looks like prison cells) and wear rags for clothing. How dreary and depressing. If my life is only a dream then I do not EVERRRRR want to wake up! I love my life!!! Maybe that sounds corny or you might even be thinking, "how can this girl be so happy and positive all the time?". Well, I keep a readily available supply of wine and books and sunflower seeds. What else does a girl need? (Besides a great pair of shoes?!)

Ok, its late and I am rambling. I'm really not even sure this blog makes sense. I will reread it in the morning and see if it is worth keeping on this site or if it is totally nuts and a waste of your time. If it is a waste, then I will delete it promptly.

Goodnight friends!


  1. oh great. now you have me freaked the F*CK out that my life isnt real. but if we were dreaming we probably wouldnt go to sleep at night because we're already asleep. no wait, im TOTALLY not dreaming because if i was, i would have WAY bigger boobs and a lot more money. there you have it, problem solved!

  2. You are right. If I was dreaming then I would have any pair of Christian Louboutin shoes I want and money would be nooo problem!

    Thanks for helping me solve this problem, Lisa!!
