Friday, January 7, 2011

A whole YEAR!?!

Has it really been that long since my last post?? Well, yes. And here is why...

2010 included:

1. Planning my wedding
2. Building our house
3. finishing my last semester of college
4. Working
5. Starting a new, much more difficult job
6. Moved into the new house
7. Got married
8. Thanksgiving
9. Christmas

Seriously. I feel like I am FINALLY able to sit down and breathe! This last year has been the most amazing, stressful and joyous year of my life! But I swear I have never been so exhausted. Now I am married and settled into the new house and getting used to my new job.

Life is really great right now.

The scary thing about life being so amazing (and it has been this great for the last year, at least) is that it has to come back down at some point. Now, don't go calling me a pessimist. I am only being realistic. Things can not stay great forever; its only natural for life to have peaks and valleys. I have accepted this as unavoidable therefore I choose to live my life to the fullest, avoid drama and bullshit if at all possible and love those around me as much as I am capable and LET THEM KNOW!!!

So, I am sorry for being gone so long! I am hoping to write regularly on this blog and keep my dearly devoted readers (hopefully) amused. But more importantly I hope I can always make clear the importance of living life every single day and ENJOYING IT! Life is good, if you let it be. Choose the positive. Ignore the drama. See the good in others. But above all, be honest. With others and with yourself.

Have a good night and I will write again soon!



  1. OH MY GOD i feel the same way sometimes about life - like when its SO good for SO long, its like the calm before the storm!!!! i get so nervous, like im waiting for the rug to pulled out from under me!

  2. Its definitely a scary thing, Lisa but we just have to enjoy every minute we have and deal with the storm when it gets here. :)
